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Cincinnati's Garden Blog
5 Tips to Refresh Your Garden for Fall
Giving your garden a fall refresh can breathe new life into your outdoor space. Here are 5 tips to refresh your garden for fall:
1. Plant Fall Flowers and Foliage: Choose plants that thrive in cooler temperatures and offer vibrant fall colors. Some popular options include chrysanthemums (mums), asters, pansies, ornamental kale, and sedums. These plants will add pops of color and texture to your garden. Plan Your Fall Color!
2. Time for Trees and Shrubs: Fall is the best time to plant trees and shrubs. In the fall, the soil is still warm from the summer months, which encourages root growth even as the plant’s top growth slows down. This allows trees and shrubs to begin establishing their root systems before the winter. Plan for Trees and Shrubs!
3. Cool-Season Vegetables and Herbs: August is a great time to plant your fall edible garden. A fall garden is perfect for lettuce, arugula, Swiss chard, collards, mustard greens, spinach, beets, herbs, and more. Plan Your Edible Garden!
4.Container Gardens: Refreshing your container gardens for fall is a great way to bring new life and seasonal charm to your outdoor space. Add fall plants and a festive touch to your containers, incorporating seasonal decorations like pumpkins, gourds, straw bales, and cornstalks.
5. Consider Late-Blooming Plants: Late-blooming perennials can add a burst of color and interest to your garden during the fall months when many other plants are starting to fade. Plants like helenium and goldenrods can provide color when other plants are winding down and provide nectar and pollen for pollinators. Plan Your Perennial Gardening!
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