How To Control Moles in the Garden

How to Control Moles in Cincinnati, Ohio

This week, we answer, “How to Control Moles in the Garden?”

Moles are one of the most common and most frustrating lawns and garden pest problems.  With that in mind before deciding what your game plan is take the time to visit the website of our local mole expert, Mr. Tom Schmidt.  You may choose to live with them or try your hand at removing them from your garden.

Several Ways to Control Moles

Mole Controls

Forget the poison peanuts, the gopher gassers, the Juicy Fruit Gum, and other home remedies. The only sure cure way to get rid of the current mole invasion in your yard is to trap the moles using one or several of the many types of mole traps or by physically removing them by digging them out of their runs. The best times to trap are spring and fall, although trapping is possible anytime. Control is the only cure for current mole problems. We say current because new moles may move in after the old mole’s scent wears off.

Mole Repellents

If you do not want to trap or remove the moles, castor oil-based repellents are available. The outcome of these products will vary. The results will not reduce the mole populations but merely move them to another location, leaving them to dig and reproduce elsewhere. Products include Mole Max, MoleScram, and the infamous noisemaker ‘Sonic Chaser’. (Results may vary – trapping or physical removal are the only sure cures for existing moles.)

Mole Poisons

An injectable and ingestible poison is available, Moletox Baited Gel. It is injected into the active runs and is safe to use if you have cats or dogs. Again, results may vary significantly. A new one is Talpirid, it is also placed in active runs, and results will vary. Trapping or physical removal is still the only sure cure for the existing moles in your yard.

Wilson’s Mole Elimination

In the morning, look for existing tunnels. At one end, insert a garden hose and turn on the water. If a mole is in the tunnel, it will surface to get out of the flooded tunnel. Which, of course, gives you the chance to eliminate it quickly. They will re-enter the soil within seconds! But this method has been and still proves to be effective.

[Resources include OSU Extension and Tom Schmidt,] 

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